Friday, March 12, 2010

Life And Death.


Today is a holiday at our school as one of our elderly teachers has died.Thinking about this just makes me wonder about life and death.Pardon me if I get a bit philosophical here.

What lies behind that mysterious curtain of fear that is death?
I don't know.
But I've learnt something from this:

Savour every moment you have, every second, every minute.
Who knows, you might be reading this for the last time.
What if all this is just a big fat joke played by God? We'll all have ourselves to blame then.

Never take yourself seriously.You are NOT the only one with all the problems in the world.
Live each moment like it were your last.

And Lastly, have a positive approach towards life!


2 Reactions:

Unknown said...

It was Amazing.u have told about the real facts of life.

Sourabh said...

Thank you...

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