Sunday, August 15, 2010

Crappy Independence Day!

Happy Independence day? I don’t think so. For me, Independence Day has been nothing but a holiday where they have a bunch of TV shows lined up for Entertainment-Hungry people. Patriotism? Pah. Desh premi? Meh. Now, don’t get all “you don’t have the ‘Indian’ spirit. Aaj kal ke bachhe in Amreeki logon se bigad gaye hain.” You know what, I don’t give a damn.

YOU aren’t the best compatriot either. What shirt are you wearing? Polo? Nice. You’re SO Indian K So much for ‘swadeshipan’.

Yes, India has got corruption and the like, but I’m not going to rip another cliché of how corruption has afflicted our lives. You already know that.

What I’m trying to tell is, you know you’re not the best ‘Indian’. Don’t pretend that you actually care for this darned country. Oh, are you saying that you DO? Then shut the hell up and DO something!
What happened? Why so silent? Ha. All we know to do is to give this large lecture of how we want India in 2020.Alright, fine. But I don’t think that’s  gonna happen if you drop another chocolate wrapper on the ground. Rhapsodize all you want, but the truth is, that wrapper is still lying on the ground.  To quote Obama,”Change We Need”.

I’m no flag-waver. Atleast I’m accepting that. All I want is a place to live in, and India happens to be that place.  If you think you are, e-mail me. I’ll prove you wrong.