Thursday, June 24, 2010


There he was, just standing there,
Looking at her, just looking,
His dizziness growing, her flashing smile bare,
Laughing with her, just laughing.

There he was, just dazed,
Dreaming about her, just dreaming,
It was her straightforwardness that left him amazed,
His heart was singing for her, just singing.

There he was, just ecstatic,
she accepted him, oh yes she did!
He was frozen in time, just static,
He couldn't believe she didn't kid!

There he was, just confused,
Why is she so distant?
He couldn't believe at what she, at him, accused;
His confusion remained constant.

There he was, just half-dead,
She didn't dump him, he was virtually killed.
For countless days he wasn't out of bed,
With anger and self-pity was he filled.

There he was, just recovering,
When he found her with someone,
The anguish was over-whelming,
He had lost, the other side had won.

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